About 40,000 species of spiders have been discovered throughout the world, and they vary in type and sizes. That’s 40,000 types of spiders that you can encounter! Although it sounds scary, most species are considered harmless as their bites only cause stringent effects. Unfortunately, some actually possess potent venoms and thus, are considered harmful. Their bites can cause pain, diaphoresis, lesions, and some autonomic and neurological effects.
Presence of spiders in our homes and even cars isn’t something to joke around about. They might be a common sight, but certainly, we do not want them multiplying and taking over our homes. Imagine these spiders creeping into our beds, cupboards, cabinets, or in our car’s dashboards and seats!
To save you time, here are the quickest effective ways of repelling spiders (well, aside from squishing them).
Keep everything sealed and closed.
This is the simplest and most basic of all forms of spider control. But trust me, this is the most important and effective so far. Most insects, including spiders, originate from outside our house. The easiest way to keep them out is to block their entryway. One effective way is to install a screen with smaller mesh in our windows and doors. Seal all crevices, holes, cracks and gaps in your home. The same way applies to cars. Never leave the car window or door open to ensure that no spider, or other unwanted other animals, can get in.
Clean up.
General cleaning can help in eliminating spiders. Spiders often reside in seldom used and cluttered sites. The fewer our mess is, the less dwelling places they have.
If ever you see a spider web in your ceiling or anywhere your house and car, you better clean it up immediately. Spider’s reproduction rate is incredibly fast. If you leave it be for weeks or months, their numbers will increase. Next thing you know, they are everywhere in your living space.
Spiders get into our houses and cars because they are looking for food. To keep them out, we also need to exterminate their food source. But how?
Spiders feed on insects, which in turn, are drawn to our houses and cars because of the light and leftover food items, crumbs and unwashed dishes. To keep both the predator and prey out of your property, keep your outside lights turned off and your home tidy and neat.
Natural repellents
Spiders, unlike other insects, are not susceptible to pesticides and insecticides. Fortunately, natural and organic repellents work for them. Spiders are sensitive to strong and pungent smells so natural essential oils are effective bio-control for them. Peppermint oil, citrus, eucalyptus, citronella, cinnamon, tea tree, cedar and lemongrass are among your choices.
You can put it directly on cotton and swab it on areas frequently visited by spiders, or you can make your own homemade repellent with water and essential oils. Experiment and mix them all up. Spray it in your car, and the rooms in your home.
Natural Plants
We can utilize herbs and other plants to repel spiders from our properties. Plant lemongrass, eucalyptus, lemon, mint, and chestnut around your yard. Their pungent smells will keep spiders and a lot of insects from roaming our place.
More importantly, you may likewise want to chop and trim down other plants and shrubs not listed above as they provide a perfect hiding and dwelling place for spiders and other insects.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Diatomaceous Earth is known to be effective in controlling house bugs and other insects. The same way applies to spiders. Apply a thin layer of DE on their frequent place or entryway, a small coat of DE is enough to dehydrate and kill the spiders.
These are all natural methods of controlling and repelling spiders that can be applicable to less serious cases. However, if you are dealing with more complicated and severe spider invasion, we highly recommend to consult a professional spider exterminator like The Local Bug Guy. A quick call with us and we will find the best spider repellent solution for your property. Contact the experts at The Local Bug Guy today!